Kate Middleton, hypnotherapy and morning sickness

April 26, 2013

Well, when I come upon some celebrity who uses, or has used, hypnotherapy or EFT  then I just have to let you all know.

Here is an article written about Kate Middleton and the morning sickness she has suffered through some of her pregnancy. While her privacy has been well guarded during this time the media still want to get any little bits they can. This article is one such snippet of information.


Morning sickness is awful and usually finished by the end of the first three months, however that is a long time when you are throwing up every morning, and sometimes throughout the day, too. There’s the worry of eating, and the worry of not eating, and the baby needs nourishment but you don’t want to spend your life feeling like you don’t know when you’ll have to shoot off to collapse in the toilet.

In some cases morning sickness extends for more months, and requires intravenous feeding. Read the link…there is quite a bit of information there.


Roma Street gardens, Brisbane, Queensland

April 21, 2013


This is taken in the Roma Street gardens in the heart of Brisbane. The area is beside the central railway station and used to be shunting yards and a real eyesore. It has been transformed into a mini botanical gardens with fern grottos, dry Aussie areas, palm areas, tree top areas, flower, cactus and beautiful water areas. The walkways offer vistas from every height and there are little spots to have a garden wedding in as well. One bridal party was being photographed with the complete backdrop of wide falling water, it was impressive. There are bbq and play areas. It is such a delightful place to wander through with birds and lizards of all colours and varieties.

Did you notice how English white I am?  Yuk!  I am now working on getting a soft slow tan; just enough to look like a local. 🙂

Quick demo of how a dyslexic brain works

April 19, 2013

This is very helpful to any people with learning difficulties and parents or teachers who want to know more.It doesn’t matter what age you are.

Brisbane, Queensland.

April 12, 2013



Here’s the Brisbane skyline from Kangaroo Point cafe looking across the river. Isn’t it a lovely place!  This was breakfast, thick fruit toast and lovely Aussie coffees. (I must say their coffees far surpass Starbucks and Costa coffee) They really make an art of preparing and then pouring them out. The froth on a flat white is so stable it barely moves and the patterns they get on the top are really clever.

This was a treat for Kevin’s birthday last Saturday, thats him on the right.  It followed our walk along the cliff top and then down the stairs and along the river side. Loads of abseilers and rock climbers come to ‘do’ the cliffs at the weekends. Loads of others come to run, walk, and cycle the pathways before the sun really gets hot. The cafe does a roaring trade.

Dyslexia and learning difficulties

April 7, 2013

There is so much that can be done to help anyone having trouble with literacy – reading, spelling, and writing.  There are so many needing help including children, teenagers, and adults of all ages.

Often these people are identified as being dyslexic and I thought it would be good to list here the 8 benefits of having dyslexia as identified by Olive Hickmott of Empowering Learning. Olive has an excellent programme to help these people and I am one of her trained practitioners.

8 Benefits of Having Dyslexia

By Olive Hickmott

Bridges to Success – how to Transform Learning Difficulties” covers much material about the exceptional skills of those with learning difficulties, so this very specific list for Dyslexia is very useful. There is a common misconception in the world that having Dyslexia is a bad thing. Whilst the symptoms of Dyslexia present some challenges, the rest is sheer genius. The following is a list of exceptional characteristics that I consistently see in myself, my clients, friends and colleagues with Dyslexia.

  1. Ability to see things from different perspectives, at the same time. Dyslexics can not only imagine what physical objects look like from different perspectives, including cross sections, they can see, without any difficulty, the other side of an argument, business opportunities others don’t see, the list is endless.
  2. Ability to see 2D objects in 3D. For example when looking at an Ordnance Survey map, which is flat, they notice the contour lines and can create within seconds a 3D pictures of the mountains and hills, in their mind’s eye
  3. High speed ability to make connections between different facts. This leads to amazing insights but can lose the audience
  4. Picture thinking and a mind’s eye that can run anything as a very fast video. This is invaluable for fast recall and in particular working in the media.
  5. Exception interpersonal skills. Their creative verbal communications often makes up for their lack of written communications.
  6. Creativity. Look back in history to all the famous people who were Dyslexic, they were all very creative. Today we have Jamie Oliver and Richard Branson for example.
  7. High intelligence. Every Dyslexic I meet has well above average intelligence
  8. Perspectius. I created a word “Perspectious” once to mean genius level ability to see different

    perspectives simultaneously, I think this sums up their attributes.

Olive Hickmott is the Founder of Empowering Learning, author of the bestsellers, Seeing Spells Achieving and Bridges to Success – how to transform Learning Difficulties. Olive and those she has trained work with people in a coaching framework to help them understand their own experiences and learn new skills to change these if they want. Their outstanding skills are just enhanced, never diminished.

Olive Hickmott
Empowering Learning http://www.empoweringlearning.co.uk


and, some heat on the Sunshine Coast

April 1, 2013

IMG_0818Yes, I had forgotten how humid and hot Queensland can be. Usually at this time of the year, Easter, the heat has dissipated and it is quite pleasantly hot and getting ready for a beautiful winter.  We knew it would take awhile to acclimatise so we planned on coming now to allow ourselves some months to prepare for next summer. But, no, the weather has just had to remind us how good it is to have water nearby to dive into to cool down. The mozzies have managed to ravish me, too, which also means water takes the itch and sting out. So it has been really tropical weather, over 30 degrees and sudden rain showers which clear just as suddenly.

The photo is real dinky di Mooloolaba beach. The best beach in Queensland in my book! Taken last Sunday when we joined my sister and hubby for  a picnic under the trees, swim and walk on the beach – just lovely.  You can see there is a big surf carnival going on – it was the Queensland championships.

These last few weeks have been so full on and it has sure taken some time to readjust. However, I must take some more photos and blog a bit more often to show you what’s going on.

2 weeks to go

February 25, 2013

Oh dear….  there’s just 2 weeks to go before we fly out for Melbourne and then Brisbane…. and you should see the flat, actually no. you shouldn’t see it!

My husband is working long hours starting at like 2am and my diary is full with last minute clients. I was at a training all weekend til late, and this week am helping a good friend with her stand at the Publishing Expo in Earls Court, London. That is 2 days and one night away as well.

This is what I have to do… dig myself into the big cupboard that goes right across the wall in our bedroom and get out everything that has been stored in there in boxes of all shapes and sizes so I can see what is there and then decide what I am taking on plane, sending as unaccompanied luggage, sending by sea and what I am chucking out. This has to be drastic and involves not only shoes and clothes but golf clubs and god knows what else has been shoved in there to create space elsewhere. For instance I found a pile of knitting needles and my favourite knitting patterns and I havent knitted since Aiden was just about to be born 9 years ago. The shawl is still unfinished and I have promised to complete it for his 21st!

We came here to England, from Australia, just 10 years ago this week. We brought our 20kg each on the plane and 3 small boxes of unaccompanied luggage plus my sewing machine.  We need to condense back to something similar. Ouch!

So, I better get back to it all.

Moving – stuff to sell

February 12, 2013

We have a few items to sell before we move. In fact pretty much everything is going. We don’t want to have to send much on after us.  A nice desk with slide out shelf here, plus a £10 solid shorter desk. There’s 3 ex office exec chairs, a double bed. Yes, and even my lovely therapy chair complete with warm massaging back controls and our nice dining suite. Offers.




Skype for client consultations

February 1, 2013


Following on from the last blog on moving (yes, please read that first) …  I said I would do one on skyping.

So much is done online these days. When you want to know something you find it via Google or Youtube, when you want to learn something you attend a webinar, when you want to share something you do Facetime, or use Go To Meeting and everyone is connected up on Facebook. Businesses use LinkedIn and there are online degrees, lectures and school work, even in the classroom.

More than half of the people who come to me for help have found me online and my consultations over the last 6 years have been run not only in my little therapy room, and in Moorgate, but also on skype. So, in line with what people want, I am now expanding the skype side of my business even further online, and that’s where you come in.

I regularly have skype sessions with clients in England and overseas. We form our own little space and, with a cuppa, settle down just as we would if we were both in my little therapy room. A skype session typically lasts 60 minutes compared to the usual hour and a half because we get such a lot done.

Skyping is quick; it saves time and money travelling; it saves stressing out over weather and road conditions; it saves dressing up, and it saves energy; it is very easy and it is cheap. It is like picking up the phone and talking only free.

Skype is good for those who are housebound for any reason, for those with time restraints and those who are shy. It is good for people who want instant help and for those who have already seen me and want someone they know. We can do it like a telephone, or with the video effect as well.

So what about you?  How does this affect you?

You are one of almost 1000 people who receive this newsletter and have probably been to see me at some point. You may have felt that at some point in the future you may like to return if the situation arises but there I am living in Australia so unfortunately it is out of the question. Or is it?

Yes, I will be in Australia, half way around the world, but had you thought about a skype consultation?  And why not?  Skype links us instantly it’s like talking on the phone only completely free!  And, you are right, there is a slight time difference but we make the appointment by email first and I always book it with people in their own time, so I am not concerned about this at all.

I am planning a webinar to go through how a consultation works on skype later in March or early April and will keep you in the loop.

Brisbane, Australia, here we come!

February 1, 2013

images-14Well the tickets are bought and there’s no turning back. The plane has our names on it’s seats on March 13th. A one way trip; Heathrow to Melbourne and then on to Brisbane. The aussies are returning home.

How scary is this!  We’ve been ten years here in England exactly and we only came for two to see if we liked it. And we did!  We settled in easily, have learned so much, my business has done well, we enjoy the countryside and love the people. So you may ask why are we leaving?

Well, as I said, we came with fluid minds. Our daughter and family were here and when their children grew to the point of needing a bigger house they decided to go back to New Zealand and settle there. That was four years ago and NZ is about as far as you can go in this world without turning around and coming back. It is not close enough to pop over and help out for a weekend, or invite them to dinner on Sunday nights. Their lovely children are growing up and the oldest is in highschool so it is time to rebond.  Our son is in Australia and also settled, we have not even cuddled his three year old yet. We are just too far away.

So there we go! It was a sudden decision and now there’s a bit of a panic on, lots of stuff to do, my business to sort out here and relocate there. People to notify and thank.

For all my clients you are in my thoughts. Please be aware that I am available until the end of February for consultations, and happy to talk on the phone as well. My business will be the same only located in a different town. You know me, I know you, we can still connect. Please think of me when you need help because I will be right there for you online.

I see and speak to many of my clients on skype.  It is free to download and use, very cost effective and time efficient. My website is constant, there’s my contact details there. I enjoy writing and will always keep you updated on this blog. You will find the link on from my homepage.

Actually, I feel a couple of blogs coming on….   a ‘stuff to sell’ blog, including my therapy chair, good big desk, filing cabinet and office chairs. Also a ‘skype’ blog. So watch this space!